We had one more Trilogy camp "The Revelation of John"
The 12th Trilogy in the history of BCSU took place from 03-09.September 2023 in the amazing nature of Uzana, Gabrovo.
The theme of our studies was "The Revelation of John", and along with the 8 hours of studies we had each day, the program included games, a hike to Mt. Ispolin, a visit to the geographic center of Bulgaria on 06.09, a surprise cake from the hotel for us, a campfire with guest foxes, and many other great experiences!
Here is what some of the students had to say:
"The study of Revelation we had together helped me to look at the book in a new way - to see the message and not just complex images that I can't even imagine, much less interpret. I saw and felt even more fully the love and mercy of God." - Yoana Mitkova
"This week I experienced God in a totally different way than I ever imagined. I expected it to be a study like any other, but I was absolutely wrong! Immersing myself in the Word for this one week, one rediscovers one's life, thinking, "Well, am I following what it says!" Something that was very thought provoking for me was the realization that God is now on the throne, God has already overcome, but He expects us here on earth to witness with all our living, that is why He left us here! As hard as it is, as broken as we sometimes get that people don't hear us, every second spent with a loved one sharing about God is life changing! We have to remember that many people have not heard of God, so how are we going to steal their opportunity to live with Him for eternity!" Iva Koleva